APA 6TH Edition inserts only (Ed.) instead of (Eds.) for multiple editors

I am using APA 6th Edition and I have more than one editor in my citation, but EndNote X4 only inserts (Ed.) instead of (Eds.) into the reference section. How do I get the program to change this or will I need to manually change it when I am done with my thesis?

Here is the example:

Kamalipour, Y. R., & Carilli, T. (Ed.). (1998). Cultural diversity and the U.S. media. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.

Also, should I  just insert the subsequent editor’s last name and first name initial into the author section? I was originally adding the full name of the secondary editor, but EndNote X4  kept spelling it out instead of automatically changing the initial(s) like it did for the first editor. So I went back took out the first name and just left the initial.

With these combined behaviours, I suspect that the error is due to the way you have entered the editors into your record, as opposed to a style inconsistancy.  Are your editors entered all on one line, or are they entered one to a line.  It is also best if the authors are entered surname first, followed by the initials or the names. 

Kamalipour, Y. R

Carilli, T.

If you have entered them as

Kamalipour, First Middle, & Carilli, First

all on one line, Endnote thinks it is one Editor (hence the (Ed.) and that the “, & Carilli, First” is a suffix and doesn’t change it at all. 

If this is not the problem, then please attach your style to a reply. 

Leanne your recommendation worked for the (Eds.) issue. I was listing them all in one line. I had no idea that I was supposed to put them in separate lines.

Should I list authors the same way then in EndNote X4 by placing them in separate lines or one line?

Thank you Leanne!

@leanne wrote:

With these combined behaviours, I suspect that the error is due to the way you have entered the editors into your record, as opposed to a style inconsistancy.  Are your editors entered all on one line, or are they entered one to a line.  It is also best if the authors are entered surname first, followed by the initials or the names. 


Kamalipour, Y. R

Carilli, T.


If you have entered them as


Kamalipour, First Middle, & Carilli, First


all on one line, Endnote thinks it is one Editor (hence the (Ed.) and that the “, & Carilli, First” is a suffix and doesn’t change it at all. 


If this is not the problem, then please attach your style to a reply. 

Yes, in all Authors and Editors fields, the names should be listed one to a line to avoid the kind of problems you are having. 

If you are using mostly books, you might consider downloading them into a new library via the connect option from a public university or the library of congress rather than editing each record.  I recommend reviewing the “getting started” mini-manual pdf that is installed in your program folder (or you can download the X4 version it from here), or visiting the endnote support site and reviewing the materias there, or one of the webinar classes (see http://www.endnote.com/training/). 

Good luck!