I am trying to include refernces for Legislation in APA/5 --BUT in the text I want to conceal the actual citation since I’ve mentioned it within the content. How do I edit the Statute cite to appear “invisible” yet remain in the references? I am not succeding in excluding the statute’s name or date as I would with a book or journal.
@dmartin336 wrote:
I am trying to include refernces for Legislation in APA/5 --BUT in the text I want to conceal the actual citation since I’ve mentioned it within the content. How do I edit the Statute cite to appear “invisible” yet remain in the references? I am not succeding in excluding the statute’s name or date as I would with a book or journal.
Have you tried the “Edit Citation” function and selected “Exclude Author” and “Exclude Year”? This will remove the in-text citation but it will remain in the references.
How about making it “hidden text”.
I’m not sure what you mean? Are you suggesting I just have it printed in white?
Yes I have–which works wonderfully for books/jourals that have those two items …statutes don’e
I’ve not really found a way to “officially” hide the text within the citation. What I have done as a work around is to simply copy it and plunk it down on a blank page (so the added line wouldn’t mess up the pagnation/format of the actual document)… So it’s there, in white “ink” and listed in the References.
Is there a better more way?
No - you want to select the whole of the (field) and at least one space around it, and Format Font, and slect the box that says “hidden”. Depending on how your word settings are set, you will either see the text underlined by some small black dots (show hidden text) or it will disappear (if show hidden text is unselected). The show/don’t show is in the word tools> options, view tab, fomating marks section. Also, you want make sure the hidden text is not selected on the print tab of the same word options menu.
Ahhh Ha!! Thank you for this little PC moment =] It took me a while to track down the Font formatting box and to find the box labeled hidden (bottom item in the right hand column). While the White-out trick helped, it was a pain in the neck…and at least I can see where the text is suppose to be in relation to the item in context. In he end it still does not answer the original question of how to do this within the Endnote software --and the time it took to resolve to the PC workaround on this. But it works and that’s what counts for now. Thanks again. Donna