The codes used by MsWord and pages are completely incompatible. – you might try reverting to "temporary citations prior to transfer, but I am not certain that works in Pages either.
I have a problem whereby references added to Pages cannot be edited. Double-clicking the reference flashes up the edit box (i.e. the one where you can change the prefix and suffix etc.), but it is momentary and disappears as soon as it pops up. There is also no panel anywhere that lists all the citations. I cannot find this reported anywhere, so I’m wondering if it is a botched update install, but I have tried it on various versions of Pages 5 and have installed the patch a couple of times.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
P.s. I have also found documents with several pages incredibly slow and have resorted to writing on a separate document, formatted the same, and copy-pasting the text into the main document every paragraph or so. Laborious, but a decent workaround.
OSX 10.10 B2
Pages 5.2.2 w. Endnote patch no. 2
Endnote X7.1
I’m having the same problem. In addition, superscripts are not working either.
I have the same problem. Another thing annoied my a lot is only one output style can be used, because I need to use just author-year somewhere, or just numbered somewhere else. This can be done in MS word by right click the citation and choose display as author(year) or exclude author or exclude year or accept the default format.
I am experiencing a similar problem using Pages 5.5 and Endnote X7.2; the italics formatting of my bibliography does not appear (using Chicago footnote). Is there a solution to this problem?
I am having a similar problem. Is there anyone has a good solution I can try to fix this problem? Thanks
Now i am getting the same problem; I have put up anywhere else within the community concerning the duplicate bibliography recently. The item most likely has absolutely nothing about the adjustments, because the standard setup was functioning fine till a couple of days to weeks back.
EndNote 7 and Pages 5.2 don’t work well together. Other users have noted many of the problems, the worst of which is probably that changing the bibligraphic format in a document imported from Word will cause the loss of intext references in a string. For example, (Dart 1925, Dart 1959) becomes ((null), (null)) when the format is changed and the references are now gone from the doecument. Apple and Thomson-Reuters should list the various problems so that users do not lose work. Anybody who really needs EndNote should use Word not Pages.
thanks for update
me too ;/
Any update on this issue? It is the biggest frustration with endnote/ pages right now. seems latest from Endnote folks.
That is still the situation with Apple’s plug-in. We have been in communication with Apple. You can also voice your concern to Apple regarding their Pages plug-in here:
Informative post, i will read briefly, alrreay saved the link.
Any updates on Pages–Endnote X7 compatibility?
really, It is very useful article for me, i get some of great information i didn’t know it, thanks so much
very useful information.
I’ve given up all hope of Apple ever fixing their EndNote plugin.
I opened a case with them, which was escalated to second level, who in turn escalated to developer, then results in no response. The case contact (second level) just never responds after initial contact and BS about being committed to assist.
After many attempts at getting a response they ended up opening a second case. Every time it goes to second level, they say they have escalated to development but never any updates after that point. After initial contact Apple just never provide any updates. Calling in to get an update results in a new second-level engineer being assigned and the process starts again.
I reproduced the problem I was facing and recorded it and provided to them: <slash> SgtehKmcWd4 (copy and paste the link and replace with “/” -> these forums won’t let me paste a link in).
I could not even get confirmation from them that they acknowledged this was a defect or if they ever had any plans to fix this.
I’ve essentially given up because after 6-9 months chasing them I just wasted so much time on this it wasn’t worth it. I’ve had to stop using Pages and use Word instead to get around this issue. Thomson Reuters tells you to go to Apple, Apple tries to tell you to go back to TR, or they just ignore you as mentioned above.
If it ever gets fixed that would be great, I won’t hold my breath…
Too bad. I feel you, have been leaving at least 5 Messages to the Apple
@mulgar wrote:
I’ve given up all hope of Apple ever fixing their EndNote plugin.
I opened a case with them, which was escalated to second level, who in turn escalated to developer, then results in no response. The case contact (second level) just never responds after initial contact and BS about being committed to assist.
After many attempts at getting a response they ended up opening a second case. Every time it goes to second level, they say they have escalated to development but never any updates after that point. After initial contact Apple just never provide any updates. Calling in to get an update results in a new second-level engineer being assigned and the process starts again.
I reproduced the problem I was facing and recorded it and provided to them: <slash> SgtehKmcWd4 (copy and paste the link and replace with “/” -> these forums won’t let me paste a link in).
I could not even get confirmation from them that they acknowledged this was a defect or if they ever had any plans to fix this.
I’ve essentially given up because after 6-9 months chasing them I just wasted so much time on this it wasn’t worth it. I’ve had to stop using Pages and use Word instead to get around this issue. Thomson Reuters tells you to go to Apple, Apple tries to tell you to go back to TR, or they just ignore you as mentioned above.
If it ever gets fixed that would be great, I won’t hold my breath…
developers team. Anyway: thanks for your commitment!
It probably has nothing to do with your settings, as the standard setup was working fine until two days ago.
I hope that Apple updates the EndNote plug-in for Pages, but until then rather than downgrading to Microsoft Word, I developed a Work-around. I copy the Biblography and paste it over the Biblography, then recopy each of the sources from the preview pane from EndNote. While this is not ideal, it works and I do not have to use Microsoft software.