Author prominant citation style


Endnote CWYW insert scitations as information prominant

e.g. A consequence of this change has been a substantial increase in the number of single parent families and the attendant problems that this brings (Kilmartin, 1997).

But how do you get CWYW to insert citations as authour dominant

e.g. For example, Kilmartin (1997) argues that increased rates of divorce do not necessarily indicate that families are now more unstable.



You will need to edit the citation using EndNote’s “Exclude author” option.  You don’t mention your OS, wordprocessing program or EndNote version so the following is based on EndNote X4, Word 2010, Windows Vista:

Place your cursor on the citation, then in Word’s Endnote tab select the “Edit & Manage Citations” option. In the pop-up window click to select “Exclude author”, then click the OK button to close the window.  (An alternative method is to right-click your mouse after placing your cursor on the citation to bring up a submenu, then select “Edit citations”, “Exclude author”.)

The “Exclude author” option will cause your initial citation of (Kilmartin, 1997) to appear without the author’s name like this: (1997).

Then it’s just a matter of manually typing in the author’s name before the citation to get:  Kilmartin (1997).