[Sept. 25, 2013 – as of EndNote X7] This product suggestion is based and expands upon recent and past threads regarding problems with hard/carriage returns in EndNote fields such as Keyword, among others, when exporting EndNote libraries or references into a file format (e.g., Tab Delimited) for importing into software applications such as Excel and Access.
The current workaround is to manually replace hard/carriage returns for each affected EndNote field per reference type which is tedious, time-consuming, and easy to overlook addressing specific fields.
When exporting EndNote libraries or references could hard/carriage returns be automatically replaced with a semicolon followed by a space for applicable EndNote fields across reference types? A few field examples from the Journal Article and Book reference types include the following (Generic field noted in brackets): 1) Keywords [Keywords], 2) ISSN [ISBN/ISSN], 3) ISBN [ISBN/ISSN], 4) Call number [Call Number], 5) Notes [Notes].