I’m using EndNote X7 and Word 2016 (64-bit) and I can’t figure out how to update the reference in EndNote and have it synchronized with Word. I can add new journal/papers to my EndNote desktop version and it will be added to my manuscript, but for some reason, after I cite it in Word, it won’t change the formatting afterwards.
For example:
If I have a typo in the journal’s name like “Agric. Biol. CHEm” and I want to change it to “Agric. Biol. Chem” in the desktop version, it won’t change in the manuscript after I save it.
The name of the journal was just an example. The problem is that it’s not synchronizing anything from EndNote to Word. If I add a word on the journal title, for example, and update my references in the manuscrips, it also doesn’t update.
In order to update the reference in the manuscript, I would have to delete from the manuscrip and re-add from EndNote, which doensn’t make sense, since there’s an “update” buttom.
I don’t know if I’m explanining it clearly… I’m sorry.
The problem still may lie in the journal terms list, which may contain the errant entry in the list and be converting to that column. What I am saying, maynot make sense until you read about the journal term list features. If I were you, I would check the entry for that journal, as it is set as a default to collect that information into the journal terms.
First thing I teach people to do, is turn it off, but the only way to clean it up, is to follow the instructions in Tony’s links.
If that isn’t it, or if you change the authors or the year, it also will revert to what was in the original in the travelling library. Make a copy of the document and then try convert to temporary (or unformatted) citations and then update. If a citation has been edited beyond what endnote can find in the library, it will ask you to find the correct record.