I have created a webpage reference and this one has a very clear author. However when I inlcude the name in the author field it will not show in the preview reference or when I subsequently reference it in a document. I have checked the Chicago 17th style guide and it definitely says that authors shold be listed if available. I am not sure how to make EndNote display the author as part of the web page reference?
Any help would be gratefully received.
I see that chicago’s template for web pages doesn’t include the “author”. You would need to add it to the template in the output style and save as to a new name, and then switch to that new output style in your document. (DON’T try to save it to the same name). Currently both the footnote and bibliography templates are:
“Title.” Series Title, Publisher|, Updated
Last Update Date|, Year|, accessed
Access Date|, Access Year|, URL| (Description)|.
Using the "insert field button, add the Author field along with punctuation and add a link adjacent for the space and surround the field, punctuation and space with forced separation characters so they won’t appear if the field is empty. You may have to replace the space with a “link adjacent” symbol - but I don’t think that is necessary. You will need to change both the bibliography and footnote templates to this:
|Author. |“Title.” Series Title, Publisher|, Updated
Last Update Date|, Year|, accessed
Access Date|, Access Year|, URL| (Description)|.
Intestingly, the short form of the footnote has the author field already.