Cite while you write citation output

Hello, I encounter a problem with my endnote X6. When I insert a citation directly from endnote, I get something like (Zhang, 1990), which is exactly what I want. But, when I use “cite while you write” in Word, it outputs (Zhang). So, I either have to insert citations from endnote or manually edit each citation. 

Does anyone know how I can make CWYW output the way I want? I guess I have to change something in preference of the CWYW. But I did see any options for this task.

Thank you.

maybe the output style is not set to the same? they don’t synchronise, so you have to manualy set them to the same one.

in word you can check it via “Format Bibliography” and in endnote it should be listed in the top left corner of your library

I checked. The citation styles in CWYW and endnote are the same. It seems to me that the bibliography is more about the reference style. The problem I have now is that the output of citation in the text are different. Endnote outputs author name and year, while CWYW outputs author name only.

In Edit>preferences - remove the tick box in the formating options.  see attached.