I have a Word Document with citations like this one:
{-Prefix-\AuthorLastName, 2018 #1-Suffix-@10-}
If I select Update Citation and Bibliography, with any Style (in This case, Chicago 17th Author-date) the result becomes:
(-Prefix–Prefix-AuthorLastName 2018, 10-10–Suffix–Suffix-)
This behaviour is independant of the Database or the Document. For the sake of the demonstration, I have attached both a sample DB and a sample document in a zip archive.
If I insert a citation with Instant formatting on, the Prefix, Suffix, and Page Number are correct. They are duplicated after a conversion to Unformated Citations followed by an Update of the Citations and Biography.
Obviously, the document is not in revision modus.
Thank you for your help in resolving this issue.
System Information
Windows 10 Famille
V 1803
Microsoft Word 2016 MSO (16.0.9126.2282) 32 bits
Version 1803
EndNote X9 Bldg 12062
TestENLDuplicate-2018-09-28.zip (11.2 KB)