Currently no support in Endnote X4 for Office 2011 for Mac. Reuters to lose $1,500 in missed sales?

RMansfield wrote


You can run Word 2008 and Word 2011 concurrently on your computer with no problems. I confirmed this from Microsoft days before the official Office 2011 release. So, while I am waiting for the Endnote update, I’m using Word 2008 and Endnote for my dissertation. For everything else, I’m using Word 2011. I have both versions of Word installed, I’ve been running them (often at the same time) all week, and I’ve had NO problem doing so.


I aggree completely.

Word 2008 and 2011 run perfectly side-by-side. When I’m writing articles or working on my disssertation, I have no problem using Word 2008. For everything else, Word 2011 is flawless. No EndNote in 2011 yet, but given EndNote’s history I have no doubt the update will be worth the wait.



I am thinking the same here. I had ENDNOTE for almost 8 years and now this, no support for Word 2011 for the mac!  WHat is the point of purchasing a software that does not even predicts its own market?

Please add my name to the beta test list.  I have installed office 2011 and I had used Endnote for 5 years. Thanks 

Dear TR

In common with many of the authors - I am a long time users of Endnote - stumping up for the new releases when they appear to take advantage of the often minimal improvements and new features.

I find it astonishing that you do not have a release that works with Office 11 considering how long this has been in the making.

You are doing a disservice to your customers.

I too would like to volunteer to be a beta tester.


I would like to be a beta tester as well.

X4 for Mac was poorly executed.

The individuals at Thomson Reuters responsible for X4 oversight and deployment should resign or be terminated from their positions.

I am wondering what you keep upgrading Endnote every year for??? For money or something else??? If you guys think it has to be upgraded for some new features, then the only fact is you just failed at product research and development totally! You made your product non-continuable. Some features that could be added by patches, now are only given by upgrade, and even the upgraded version is still cripple. If all you’ve done are just for money, I would believe you are gangsters, and belong to the retardate group of gangsters.   

Please add me to the list for Beta testing.

Can you add me to the beta list for testing, thanks!

Please, add my name to the list too, Thank you!

Over a week ago someone from Thomson Reuters said here that there would be a fix for the Mac problem within a week.

As someone who has been involved as a beta tester for various programs over 25 years, I fully understand the difficulty of making one program work well with another, and the Office 2011 suite is a lot different from the previous versions.

That said, Office 2011 has, itself, been out for months in beta versions–I used one of them this summer–and it’s hard to believe that T-R has a team of software coders working day and night working (without success) on this issue.

EndNote is a relatively expensive program used by serious researchers and writers who want to be able to upgrade from Word 2008 to 2011 because of its better functionality and versatility. The current situation is a classic case of the tail wagging the dog.

I think the least T-R could do would be to tell its users what is going on, what to expect, and when. They do have somewhat of a captive customer base, but that doesn’t excuse poor communication and support.

Has anyone actually been invited to a beta program for X4 with Word 2011 compatibility? Is the beta program even happening yet?

I can’t remember now if I asked to be included or not, but I would certainly like to participate (although I would work from copies of my work rather than the originals!).

RMansfield wrote:  “I can’t remember now if I asked to be included or not…”

Consider re-submitting the Request to be a Beta Tester form.


The bottom line is, when are you going to release the X4 Mac patch for Word 2011?  Thomson Reuters has been doing this for years, and you should have a fairly accurate estimate of a patch release date.

This has got to be a terrible embarrassment for the Endnote management team.  Why is it that other competing apps are compatible with Word 2011?  

At a minimum, you should provide free X5 upgrades to the X4 Mac purchasers who purchased the software in good faith and representation that it would be functional software with the current and standard office software.  

You should post on your main homepage… in large print… that X4 is not compatible with Word 2011—please do not have this buried in the support section.  

Dear Sir

This is obviously very disappointing. Office 2011 is a big update and Endnote team should have had a chance to try the developer bata version of office 2011 and modify Endnote X4 to be compatible with the software even before the release of it.

You should aware of the fact that we use your software for professional use and keeping up to date your product will be one of the keys to gain trust from your customers.

I(we) strongly request speeding up the development process and also advice you to distribute early beta version as soon as possible. I know some people face difficulty because there some cases where institutional purchase takes place.

Kind regards,

I’m just bewildered that there is no compatibility with Office 2011. I find it beyond belief and their explanation makes no sense since all their competitors have support.  Why didn’t they test with the RC which was out months ago, like every other company.

I’m going to have to direct my users to an alternative. I don’t want to, but I have no other choice.


There is a temporal workaround for the problem of incompatibility of Endnote X4 with Word 2011 for mac.

The incompatibility is associated with Cite-While-You-Write feature. To overcome this problem, you can paste the references to your word document from Endnote as it was done previously (copy-paste, i.e. Command-C in endnote, Command-V in word), then save the document as Rich-Text-Format (RTF) and use Format Paper option in Endnote menu (Tools -> Format Paper). It will require to load RTF file (created in Word), choosing the proper format for bibliography and saving final document under different name. I understand that this workaround may not work for more sophisticated documents but at least there is some solution while waiting for this delayed patch.

How about an update on this situation? It’s been weeks and we have yet to hear much on when we can expect X4 compatibility with Office 2011. Will it be this year?

Hear hear!!!


It is absolutely shocking!  ThomsonReuters were not unaware of the Office for Mac 2011 release - why DIDN’T THE COMPANY START WORKING ON COMPATIBILITY EARLIER!! This is a global competitive market you work in, and your products should reflect such urgency!