I’ve edited the APA 6th style because I am writing a thesis in German and I needed some translations in my reference list. While using it IN EndNote X9 it works perfectly but when I try to use the CWYW Function in Word I can’t find the edited style (which I’ve safed under a new name) in the dropdown menu - How do I get the edited style into Word?
Thanks a lot,
Update: Found the solution in another thread ! THANK you @sim
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Registered: 11-21-2018
Re: Download style not showing up in Word
11-21-2018 11:29 AM
Hi together, after I lost hours of my life on exactly the same problem I think I found the solution.
Click on your EndNote Word Ribbon
Click in the EndNote Word Ribbon on “Preferences”
Then on the tab “Application”
And then change the checkbox from “EndNote online” to “EndNote”
I probably went through the settings when I tried to understand EndNote and thought I want to activate sync. But this way it was not syncing via the Desktop client but directly online and therefore also not displaying local stored files.
This worked like a charm - Thank you for sharing.
This worked like a charm! Thank you for sharing