I have installed the newest updates for Word and Endnote. I also tried the recommendation from the endnote website:
Macintosh EndNote X4 & Word 2011 Q: How can I get the Mac EndNote X4 CWYW commands to appear in Microsoft Word 2011 under the Tools menu?
A: Make sure you have the EndNote X4.0.2 update installed. Once updated, the “About EndNote” screen should read Build 7031.
The simplest way to get the tools to appear is to open EndNote, and go to the EndNote menu. Select “Customizer” from the EndNote menu. Check the box in front of the “Cite While You Write” option. Click next until the Customizer is finished. Open a library. Then open Word and check the Tools menu for the EndNote submenu.
If after following the instructions above the tools still do not appear:
1. Close Word and EndNote.
2. Open your hard drive and go to the following folder:
3. EndNote X4: Applications:EndNote X4:Cite While You Write.
4. Copy the file “EndNote CWYW Word 2011.bundle” by highlighting the file and going to “Edit > Copy.”
5. Go to the folder Applications:Microsoft Office 2011:Office:Startup:Word and paste the file, “Edit Paste.” Note: In non-English versions of Word, the folder named “Startup” may be called “Start” or be in the localized language of Word.
Start Word, go to “Word > Preferences” and click on “File Locations.”
6. If the Startup folder is not set, highlight “Startup” and click on “Modify”. Select the folder Applications:Microsoft Office 2011:Office:Startup:Word and click “Choose.”
7. Click “OK” and close Word.
8. Start EndNote and then start Word.
I would suggest continuing the troubleshooting process by opening a document with Word 2011. Once you’ve got Word 2011 at the front of your screen, click “Tools>Templates and Add-ins”. On this window, below where it says “Checked items are currently loaded”, do you have any add-ins listed there? Please let me know what you find.
Best Regards,
Jimmy M.
Customer Technical Support Representative Scientific
Thomson Reuters
Phone: +1 800 336 4474
ResearchSoft Product Support thomsonreuters.com
I’m having exactly the same problem. Word 2011, Endnote X4.0.2, build 7031
I uninstalled Word entirely, reinstalled it. I set up CWYW in Endnote, I set up the startup folder for Word to the proper position. In “Tools>Templates and Add-ins”, CWYW appears as checked and loaded.
Still I have no CWYW toolbar in Word, no way to cite… This is getting tiresome. Endnote is close to useless for me without CWYW.
To be precise: “Tools->Templates and Add-ins” lists: “EndNote CWYW Word 2011.bundle”, with access path “HD:Applications:Microsoft Office 2011:Office:Démarre:Word:Endnote CWYW Word 2011.bundle” as checked and loaded.
If it works, then where will the EndNote Web symbol be located once you open the Word 2011 file? I have no idea where I can see it. Please help! Thanks!
I am not quite sure what you mean by “the EndNote Web symbol.” If you mean where your EndNote tools will show in Word 2011, they should show up under the tools menu.
If you still aren’t seeing your EndNote X4 tools in Word 2011, please try the steps below:
In the EndNote program, confirm that you are updated to EndNote X4.0.2 by clicking on the EndNote menu next to the Apple. If this says simply About EndNote X4, rather than X4.0.2, you need to download the update, which you can get from our website here. Follow the steps on that page to download and install the update.
If the update is already installed, or if after installing the update you still don’t see the tools, click the EndNote menu again and confirm in now says X4.0.2. Choose the Customizer.
In the Customizer, check the box for Cite While You Write and click Next.
On the next screen, click the + button and navigate to the Applications: Microsoft Office 2011 folder and choose your Word icon. Click Open.
Click Set. Browse to the following path (or your language equivalent, if you have a non-English system)
Applications: Microsoft Office 2011: Office: Startup: Word
Click Ok.
Click Next on the Customizer and the process should complete.
Open Word. If you still do not see the tools, click on the Word menu and go to Preferences. Choose File Locations>Preferences.
Highlight Startup and then click the Modify Button. Set the same path as you did in Step 5 above.
I have the same problem (CWYW is not integrated in word 2011 for mac).
following your instructions, I downloaded the update to endnote x4.0.2, but when I run it is says it cannot find any copies for x.4.0.2 that need updating.
However, when I then open endnote, it still refers to x4, rather than x4.0.2??
This can happen if the EndNote X4.0.2 Updater is not properly identifying the EndNote X4 installation. See the section titled “If you receive a message that EndNote X4 cannot be found to update, do one of the following (requires your product key)” from this article: