after linking the CWYW from the beta version of EndNote to word, I get the following message when I open Word:
File not found: /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office365/User Content.localized/Startup.localized/Word/EndNote Cwyw Word 2016.bundle/Contents/MacOS/EndNote Cwyw Word 2016
I have gone to /Library/Applications Support/Microsoft but don’t have an Office 365 folder, only Office. I can’t get CWYW to work for Word 2016 with the EndNote beta because it can’t link to this file.
Suggest you update your software with the post-beta EndNote X7.5 Mac update which is scheduled for release on Tuesday, February 2nd (2016). Refer to Jason’s notification to users.
I apologize for following up on this, but I have a quite similar problem. I do not have this folder in my Library as well and this seems to crash Word when starting or exiting the app. Does anyone have an idea what to do in this case?
If this is related to installing the recent EndNote X7.5 Mac update released on February 2, 2016 suggest you bypass the forum and contact tech support: