Desktop EndNote CWYW tab not working in Word 2010

I have read previous posts with similar problems, but those solutions do not seem to be working for me.

Under the ‘Add-Ins’ tab in the Options of Word 2010 my EndNote CWYW COM Add-in (…EndNote cwyw.dll) is selected & active and there is no EndNote Web CWYW Add-in listed, however only the EndNote Web tab will come up on my Word. I have removed the CWYW option from Word and added it back in, but this isn’t fixing my problem. I can’t un-install & re-install the program because I don’t have the disks (it is a borrowed copy from my Uni) & I am about 3,000 miles away from there for the next month!

When I remove the CWYW tab and then add it back in, even if I am adding in regular EndNote CWYW, it brings up the EndNote Web tab (as it does when I add the EndNote Web CWYW). I don’t want the Web version though!

Any help would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

If you are trying to use your EndNote desktop CWYW tools but only see EndNote Web tools in Word, you can follow the steps listed in the below link to switch between EndNote and EndNote Web: Thank you, Anil

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Worked like a dream. Thank you very much, Anil!

"   If you are trying to use your EndNote desktop CWYW tools but only see EndNote Web tools in Word, you can follow the steps listed in the below link to switch between EndNote and EndNote Web: Thank you, Anil  "

Just so you know, the link you posted no longer works … :-/

If you go to and their FAQs page under the support page, and section ’ Working With Word Processors / CWYW’ it’s FAQ number 54.