Display endnote-linked citations in document

Hello, I am working though a large document and adding all of the citations to an Endnote library. Is there a simple way of showing (i.e. with highlighting or shading) which citations have already been linked to Endnote and which have not yet been linked? Or do I need to go through and click every citation to see if it is linked?

Thank you

You can set the Field Shading option in Word to Always. This will allow you to see which citations have EndNote field codes and which do not. The method for setting Field Shading to Always depends on your version of Word. For most modern versions of Word for Windows, see this article: https://www.howtogeek.com/240018/how-to-enable-and-disable-field-shading-in-word/

On the Mac, you can to go Word menu and select Preferences. Click on View and set Field shading to Always.

Fantastic - worked perfectly! Thanks so much!