Downloading full text from free to access journals

Dear All,

I have one user with EndNote X3, who can download full text fairly successfully from University journals but has problems sometimes downloading from free to access journals.

So, for example, with the journal “Genetics” only a URL is found for a 1999 reference, and nothing at all for a 2008 reference.   a 2007 reference found a PDF.

And she has problems also with the PLoS titles, where only a URL is found.

I don’t have access to X3 so can’t test anything out.  Has anyone else had this problem?   Can anyone recommend anything?



Keith Nockels

University of Leicester Library, UK

I can’t  automatically download full-text for any of the PLoS line of journals despite the fact that all PLoS articles are open-access. Pretty silly design flaw/oversight on Thomson’s part–I hope they fix it soon.

I’m using X4