Edit the order of fields displayed in Reference Edit Panel

Dear all,

I’m desperate - I’ve searched for solutions and can’t find a thing.

I’m accustomed to editing the fields that you see in the library view (X7), and that works fine. I only care about two. It’s the reference edit pane, or the reference panel (I care not which) that I need help with.

Currently, the list of fields (for reftype=journal article) is:

Author, Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Issue, Pages, Custom 7, Custom 8, Accession number, Abstract (finally)

I want it to be:

Title, Abstract, Custom 7, Custom 8

How do I make this happen? I cannot believe that the reference pane would be so un-editable according to user needs.

Thanks in advance!

Well believe it.  You can make fields with no names (and empty) disappear, but you cannot edit the order in which they appear.  

Hi there Laura,

So there is no way to turn off, say, ‘pages’ from the reference view for reftype=journal article? You can’t even toggle these on or off (unless they contain no data)?

Are there any workarounds that you’ve heard of - other than working on a larger screen?



Hi there Laura,

So there is no way to turn off, say, ‘pages’ from the reference view for reftype=journal article? You can’t even toggle these on or off (unless they contain no data)?

I eventually found something that said that to change this would ‘break’ endnote in terms of backwards compatability - which surprises me somewhat, I must confess. I suspect that Endnote wasn’t designed to allow researchers to assess the inclusion of references into a systematic literature review (the ‘screening’ stage)? Becuase a researcher has recently (April 2015) published means by which two people working on the same endnote database can, effectively, double screen references for an SLR (youtube: “endnote screencast 2”), I naturally assumed that Endnote was up for the task.

Are there any workarounds that you’ve heard of - save working on a larger screen?



@nboxall wrote:

… Becuase a researcher has recently (April 2015) published means by which two people working on the same endnote database can, effectively, double screen references for an SLR (youtube: “endnote screencast 2”)…

Hard to say without having more information. But this might be related to sharing libraries via sync and Endnote online. What is the citation /reference/URL for this article?


I tried to add the youtube link, but kept getting an error message when trying to post.




Fasinating video.  – but to answer your question, you can’t edit the order in the editing panes, but you can edit the order, inclusions/exclusions of fields in the library view, putting only the fields you want to see and reorder them so two are next to each other.  Is that of use?  (remember – neither CG or I work for Endnote, we are users too).  

ahhh added in edit – I think it was my comment it would break endnote – the database structure is ancient and really would require starting from scratch.   

PS – you are getting close to the user status where you will be allowed to post URLs.  They prevent new users from doing so to keep the spammers out, who have targeted this forum repeatedly!  

Hi Leanne,

The thread to which I was referring was:


I’ve a history with ProCite (PhD), RefMan (ugh), Zotero (yay) and now, EndNote - none of them are really set up to do what I want in all ways. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the chat - if you ever hear of a workaround, please do feel free to update this thread!