EndNote 6 and Word 2008 on Mac


I installed endNote 6 on my iMac that has MS Word 2008. Both Word and Endnote are working properly, but I cannot connect them. I cannot see EndNote in the Tool of Word 2008. I read many suggestions and followed them, but nothing works. How can I solve this problem?

Hello, kenekko:

First, please make sure your Word 2008 is fully updated. Without updates, it is not possible for Word 2008 to install the EndNote tools. To check for updates, please open Word and choose Help>Check for Updates.

Next – by “EndNote 6,” you actually mean “EndNote X6,” correct? This is an important distinction as EndNote 6 would be about 11 years old, and not compatible with Word 2008, while X6 (aka 16) was released only 1.5 years ago.

If it is EndNote X6, ensure that Word is completely quit. Then, please open the EndNote software and click on the EndNote menu>Customizer. Check the box for Cite While You Write and keep clicking Next when prompted, until the process completes.

Open Word and confirm that the EndNote tools show under the Tools menu. If not, I recommend contacting support for additional troubleshooting.