EndNote 7.2 Stopped Working BLD 8156


I wonder if you can help me, I tried to import a file that I got from a univeristy library into Endnote ( I am a university student from the this university).  After in imported it (saw the titel in the reference window), My Endnote crashed and now its not opening.  

As I am just starting to build my library do I uninstal or is there a way to repari this?  I have since deleted the PDF file and will go back later to the uni library to download it again.

Thanks for your help 

The message I am currently getting is:

ENDNOTE X7.2 (Bld 8156) has stopped working

A problem caused the program to stop working correctly.  Windows will clsoe the program and notify you  if a solution is available

I get this error as error. It is very temperamental, will work one day and not the next - is there a patch to fix this? It simply makes me close endnote - very diffult to work. 

I get this error all the time also but it tells me to close the program and will not do anything else. Is there a patch to fix this issue, it makes it very difficult to work and save anything. Thanks

I get this error all the time also but it tells me to close the program and will not do anything else. Is there a patch to fix this issue, it makes it very difficult to work and save anything. Thanks

endnote error.JPG

Have you tried calling tech support?  http://endnote.com/support