EndNote 7.7 (11722) and Word 2016 (15.26) incompatibility on Mac El Capitan

I have just updated both programs and now the CWYW plug-in is malfunctioning.  

I get the same error message as previously described “You add-in isn’t compatible with this version of Word.  Please contact the add-in provider for an update. (EndNote CWYW Word 2016.bundle)”

However, this is NOT the issue with OS Sierra because I am still running El Capitan.

And it is NOT the issue with Word 2016 (15.25) because I am running (15.26).  I tried installing the beta for (15.25) anyway, but it did not help.

So there is apparently an ADDITIONAL incompatibility in El Capitan, between EndNote 7.7 (11722) and MS Word 2016 (15.26).

Does anyone have a solution?


I can confirm this is affecting several of my EndNote users that have updated Word 2016 from 15.25 to 15.26. The CWYW plugin is detected as incompatible at program launch with kcreevy’s error text above. X7 is at Build 11722; could not find a discrete Build for CWYW, so if it does not share a Build part-and-parcel with the base EndNote X7 app, I’ll happily go check which one we are using if someone can point me in the right direction. For sake of completion, affected machines are running El Capitan 10.11.6. Haven’t found any way to roll back the update, so we’re all hoping for a fix soon!




I had these two apps working fine, then suddenly developed a “COM exception error” when updating citations and bibliography. I have not been able to get it to work since - it’s been a frustrating day.

If there is anyone who can assist in this regard I would be grateful.



Hello Aziz,

EndNote X7.7 is compatible with Word 2016 version 15.16 on OS 10.11 El Capitan. If you are receiving a COM Exception, please see this article: http://endnote.com/kb/106559