Endnote 7 to Endnote Web/Basic Migration

Hello. My students ask me an interesting questions.

After they graduated, they can no longer use the Endnote license of the university.

How can migrate their library from Endnote 7 to the free Web/Basic usage?


If a user has an EndNote online account associated with EndNote X7 (as in 17) and that association expires, the account will downgrade to an EndNote Basic account without any intervention.

Not exactly the situation I am asking.

I am asking if a user has a PC version, how to migrate to the Web version. Thanks

Then they first need to set up a Web account and sync the current library to that account.  

Start here?  http://endnote.com/en/getting-endnote-web or the following FAQs http://endnote.com/support/faqs/enw/install 

Here is where you create or access your web stuff.  

 https://www.myendnoteweb.com/EndNoteWeb.html?returnCode=ROUTER.Unauthorized&SrcApp=CR&Init=Yes  to create an account

Leanne (I have no association with the TR or Endnote).  

If a user has EndNote X7 for Windows and they want to get the information into EndNote online, they can Synchronize the library to an EndNote online account by following the instructions found here:


The instructions and training material mention EndNote X6, but this applies to EndNote X7 as well.