EndNote X2 for MacOSX not showing CWYW tool bar in word 2008 after patch, update, and new CWYW folder. please advise.

not working with word 2008 after updates all CWYW stuff in endnote is colored gray and unaccessible. unable to select word files from endnote for update. please advise.


I have this same problem after just installing EndNote X2.01 (with patch). I have Mac OS 10.5.6 and Word 2008 (12.01). I have tried manually installing CWYW, patching, etc. Nothing works.

I notice that I can manually load the EndNote toolbar in Word through Tools > Templates and Add-Ins, but even then the toolbar it is non-functional. Trying to use any of the commands in the EndNote menu does nothing.

Please advise.


I assume you already did all this: http://www.endnote.com/support/ENX201_WinMac_updater.asp.

Did you try this?  http://community.thomsonreuters.com/ts/board/message?board.id=en-general&view=by_date_descending&message.id=1365#M1365

and do you have a language setup other than english? 


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Hi Leanne,

Thanks for your suggestions. It turns out I just needed to update MS Word to SP 12.1 and now the CWYW is working fine.

Many thanks.

Those options didn’t correct the problem. I want to re-install word after EndNote. I no longer have my disc for word 2008 near me. Is there a way to do so after the program is installed n the computer without a disc for mac? Thanks!