Hi all,
I just installed EN. X2 this morning and it seems to be mostly non-functional. I’m looking for suggestions, has anyone else encountered this kind of problem.
First off, system info., etc. I’ve got a MacBookPro running OSX 10.5.5 and just installed Endnote X 2.0.1, have installed the latest patch from the website. This computer had not had earlier versions of Endnote.
The problems I’ve encountered so far:
Existing libraries will not open from within Endnote by going through the File>Open Library menu. When you select the desired library and hit “open” or just double click the library icon from nothing happens. The only way that libraries will open is if I double-click on them from Finder. This is true for older libraries and for newly created libraries too.
Once I do open a library, the columns headings don’t correspond to the information. For example, the first column is labeled “Image”, but actually contains Authors. The 2nd column is labeled “Link to PDF” but contains publication dates, and so on. If I double-click any individual reference in the library the fields are correct. If I go through the Endnote Preferences> Display Fields dialogue and adjust any of the settings, they will all correct themselves temporarily. If I close the library and re-open it, the problem is back.
Endnote won’t do online searches. I have a library open, to to Tools>Online Search… but nothing ever happens.
I tried re-installing, which did not help. The interactions between Endnote and Word 2008 or Word 2004 seems to be fine, although I haven’t tried formatting any bibliographies yet… Does anyone have any suggestions? This is very frustrating when you buy software and it doesn’t even come close to working properly.