Endnote X6 Incorrect numbering of references in my paper- how do I get the correct order?

When I change the references from Author-date to numerical formating, the references do not appear in the order that they are in the paper eg. first reference is labelled (4).  How to I correct this so that the references are numbered by the order that they appear in the text?

It is highly likely you have text boxes in your manuscript, or maybe frames with citations?  Word collects fields from these first, hence the problem. 

See this FAQ. http://endnote.com/kb/82359

But the very best fix is the one described here:  by tjrous02.

Re: Citation numbering in text boxes

‎04-14-2014 01:57 PM

While I typically like to put images and captions in text boxes, when I need to include a citiation in a caption, I just use a two row table with invisible borders instead of a text box. Endnote/Word correctly numbers citations when it’s in a table, so it works.

Edited 2-26-2015  


 view  this more recent solution to the problem which is a better fix than that oulined in the first link.