Endnote X6 Selection Cursor Randomly Jumps From Selected Reference

I have recently installed Endnote X6 on my Macbook with OSX 10.8.4, and my selection cursor keeps moving when I try to select specific references.  For instance, I will select an article, either with the keypad or with the mouse, and a few seconds later, my selection cursor will jump to another random article in my reference list.  This makes things very difficult if I am trying to look through my references to read different articles I have found.  Any help would be appreciated.


Alex Smith

Also, it seems to only happen in the smart groups folders.  I haven’t noticed it when I move over to regular folders.



Have you updated your software? There was a X6.0.2 for Mac OS X update posted in January: 


Yes, I am currently using 6.0.2 and it is still having this issue.


Yes, I have updated to x6.0.2 and I am still having this issue.


You might check for damaged field codes – see this FAQ from the Knowledge Base below (article 81143)  :http://endnote.com/support/search-knowledgebase 

Otherwise,  contact tech support by phone Tel: +1-800-336-4474, press 4; or send a question by email.

On a Mac:

  1. Make a backup of your document.
  2. Choose the “Tools > EndNote > Unformat Citations” or “Convert to Unformatted Citations” command, which will remove the reference list and revert the citations.
  3. Press [Apple]+A on the keyboard to highlight everything.
  4. Press [Apple]+6 (above the “T” and “Y” key) to remove any additional hidden field codes.
  5. Press [Apple]+C to copy the highlighted text.
  6. Open a new document and press [Apple]+V to paste.

Note : If you have citations in footnotes, you will need to click in the footnotes section and repeat steps 3- 6. 

You should now be able to format this cleaned up version of the document without running into problems.

Please note that you may get the “EndNote Select Matching Reference” dialog box when formatting the bibliography. This may be because you have modified the author name or the year in one of the references.

The problem isn’t in Word or any other document processing program, it is in Endnote itself.  When I try to select a specific article, whether to attach a file or read a paper, etc, and leave the cursor selecting that file when I am in a smart group, it will jump to a different selection.  I have had no problems in Word, etc.

Suggest you contact tech support by phone Tel: +1-800-336-4474, press 4; or send a question by email.

I have the same problem.

Did anyone find a solution?


I received the following message from Tech Support:

Thank you for contacting Thomson Reuters Technical Support.

We are sorry that you are experiencing this trouble and we apologize for the inconvenience.

This is a known issue while working with smart groups. We’ve already reported this as a bug to our development team and they are investigating on the issue. However, we at the Technical Support are not aware of the time frame on when this would be fixed. Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

As a workaround you could try sorting references by its record number (in smart groups) and check if that helps. Another possibility would be to have them in individual groups (move references out of smart groups).

I will go ahead and close this case for now, though the issue will still be investigated by our development staff. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience and understanding while we continue our research into this issue.

Please reply back to this email if you have any further questions.

Based on the information provided above, this case will be closed and no further action is required on your part. However, if this does not address your query please reply to this email and your case will be immediately reopened for additional support.