Endnote X7.4 error with Word 2013

Hi all,

I have a word 2013 document I with an existing endnote library (not a traveling library) that I am currently editing (and would like to further modify using Edit & Manage Citations, Insert a new citation, etc.). However, when I click on any of the options in the CWYW toolbar in Word 2013, I only get an error box that says “This command is not available” and I am unable to access any of my endnote citations, view my library, etc. Occasionally the error box will say “This method or property is not available because the drawing operation cannot be applied to the current selection”.

I was able to access the citations in the document successfully yesterday. However, even when I open an “older” version of the file (I save new copies daily with the date in the title for backup files), I am unable to access endnote in any manner from inside Word 2013. It does not appear to be a template issue, as I can open a new document and add and modify citations with no problem. 

It is also an intermittant problem, as it stops happening after a couple of days, and returns to normal. Sometimes it happens after word crashes on me, other times word will be functioning normally, with just the endnote/word connection ceasing to work. I’ve been unable to find any information regarding this specific issues or to find a quick fix that allows me to get back to my document, rather than having to wait a couple of days before I can resume my edits (on time-sensitive papers).

Any assistance is appreciated.


Are you able to open and edit other documents or is the problem limited to just the current document? If the problem is isolated to the current document you might try checking and repairing the field codes as outlined in this knowledge base article. http://endnote.com/kb/84068

If the problem is consistent and persistent across different documents suggest uninstalling and reinstalling Endnote and/or contacting tech support:

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