EndNote X7.4 online searching not working (Macbook with Yosmite OS)

Please can I pick the collective brains of the forum. One of my users has just come to see me because he is unable to do an online search of PubMed from EndNote. He’s using a brand new mac book with Yosemite OS (10.10). In Online and Integrated mode clicking on PubMed does not trigger the “Search Remote Library”  option. We’ve tried all the obvious checks: he is connected to the internet via our normal proxy, he has the latest version of the connection file, but still the problem remains. Has anyone else  encountered this problem with Yosemite OS (Mac 10.10) and have any suggestions to fix it?

Kind regards


Greetings Patti,

I’ve seen this situation occur and the problem seems to be related to EndNote’s preferences.  I’d suggest your user visit the following knowledgebase article, which outlines the process to reset EndNote’s preferences:


Beforehand, I’d suggest the user check to see if he’s customized EndNote’s preferences at all and take note of those customizations.  Once EndNote’s preferences are reset, those changes would have to be recreated.

Please let me know if this helps.