Error message when transferring references to EndNote Web


A colleague reported to me that she’s getting an error message when transferring references from EndNote X5 to EndNote Web. When she tries to transfer from the desktop version of the software (via Tools menu), she gets a message saying that she first has to update her EndNote Web account. I can’t figure out what this means. Do settings in EndNote Web need to be changed in order to accept references and attachments from EndNote X5? It works just fine for me…

Has anyone else encountered this problem?


If the message relates to updating her account, likely she is using X5 and has the file attachments option checked for Transfer. If she hasn’t activated her EndNote Web account with her X5 license, she won’t have file attachment support yet in EndNote Web. She just has to go into her X5 Preferences, select EndNote Web, and click the “Activate” button to upgrade the account. 

 - Mathilda, the EndNote team

Thanks, that worked. I was just confused because I didn’t see this option on the other 5 computers that I tried! It seems that these were activated automatically.