Find full text and Elsevier

Dear All,

I know this has been discussed before (by me and others!).  I have a user who still has problems retrieving full text in EndNote X3, specifically from the journal “DNA Repair” (Science Direct).

I know there were issues with Science Direct - and wondered if these were fixed or if there were any updates?



Keith Nockels

University of Leicester Library - UK

Has your user set up the OpenURL path and Authentication URL in the “Find Full Text” options within EndNote Preferences?

Recent changes to Science Direct has broken EndNote’s Find Full Text functionality for the vast majority of Elsevier journals. We are working on this and plan to have an update in place by next month. We believe that we can address this with an update to the EndNote Web server so nothing new should need to be installed for EndNote desktop users.

We will post something here once the update is live.

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team

It is over 3 months on.  We still seem to have this problem.  Any resolution in sight?

Apologies. This was actually fixed as part of an EndNote Web release in July but it appears to be broken again. We will post status updates as soon as we have more information.

 - Mathilda, the EndNote team

I confirm, it was fixed as of the beginning of August, but I am having trouble with some (most Cell stable) and not other (Nature stable) journals.  I also had trouble getting to Cell PDFs in IE but not in Firefox? 

I’m having problems with the following journals and FFT:

  1. Chemistry and biology

  2. Current opinion in structural biology

  3. Tetrahedron

  4. Biochimie

  5. Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry letters

  6. Biochemical and biophysical research communications

  7. Structure

  8. Current opinion in chemical biology

I couldn’t get Find Full Text to work for this paper in Cancer Cell. 

Trachootham, D., Zhou, Y., Zhang, H., Demizu, Y., Chen, Z., Pelicano, H., Chiao, P.J., Achanta, G., Arlinghaus, R.B., Liu, J., et al. (2006). Selective killing of oncogenically transformed cells through a ROS-mediated mechanism by beta-phenylethyl isothiocyanate. Cancer Cell 10, 241-252.

I have a user who found FFT is failing with Journal of Anthropological Archaeology (we know we have access rights via our library subscription as the PDF can be downloaded from Science Direct).

Hello - We released an update over the weekend that restores ScienceDirect Find Full Text functionality for versions X4.0.2 and up. Please give it a try and let us know if you encounter any issues.

 - Mathilda, the EndNote team

Mine worked!