I’d like to be able to search and import from google scholar via a connection file (I already know how to set up google to display the “import into endnote” links). In some cases, this would be much faster than using google scholar and importing into endnote. Does such a connection file exist anywhere? If not, does ISI plan on making one?
Hell yes, this would be a delight. I’m tired of using 12 different applications/sites to store, manage, and search my references.
That, and if I could finally get EndNote properly configured to obtain full text with my library’s janky configuration of SFX. Then I might actually be able to get some proper work done without fussing over the little things.
This is something we are working on but a direct search of Google Scholar is more complex then just creating a Connection File. Additional work needs to be done to enhance EndNote’s XML importing and parsing capabilities.
That’s fine most of the time, just like operating off the isiknowledge website is fine most of the time. But there are times when one wants to import a bunch of refs at once. In that case, clicking on each link in scholar and importing one-by-one is a pain. Hence this thread.
Ok. That certainly makes sense and I am sure the connection file is the best solution. Meanwhile another temporary alternative that might work with multiple citations, is the Publish or Perish free program. It searches google scholar and then you can export as Endnote/RIS etc.
I’ve been very frustrated by the error message that comes up when I try to ‘import into endnote’ from Google Scholar. On a day when I harvest 25 citations, I have to import them one by one. So I came looking for a solution, and I read about Publish or Perish, which sounds like just the ticket.
Except there isn’t a version for Mac, as far as I can see. Does anybody know for sure?
Hi, Just wondering if anyone has experienced the following error. When importing from Google Scholar it is asking me to choose an import filter even though I have setup my preferences to Endnote? I am using Endnote X2
This is something we are working on but a direct search of Google Scholar is more complex then just creating a Connection File. Additional work needs to be done to enhance EndNote’s XML importing and parsing capabilities.
Jason Rollins, the EndNote team
If I may inquire – this post of yours is dated 2008. Really no progress since then?
I would still very much like a connection file to Google Scholar - and one that lets you select the legal documents option. Importing multiple cases would be much easier than one by one.
EndNote is a z39.50 browser, which means it can connect to z39.50 servers. Google Scholar doesn’t have a z39.50 server, so there is technically nothing to connect to at this time. As soon as that is possible, we will be all over it, but until then, one must use their direct export to EndNote feature, which is the next best thing…