I am using Harvared style for my thesis refrences. I face a problem that i want to add (and) before the last refrence in the text. I am using Endnote z, even the setting is ok as [edit --citations----author list] their is and before last.
to make it cleare
this is what i got: (Conway, 1999; Simon et al., 2008; Winter et al., 2004)
this is what i got: (Conway, 1999; Simon et al., 2008 and Winter et al., 2004)
This is unusual, but to achieve this, you need to edit that last citation to insert a prefix “<space>and<space>” (not the word space, the character space). This will not be automated and you would have to do it in each group of citations that have more than one cited paper. I think the settings that have “and” in them, that you think would affect this, are applied to the author list themselves, if they were all listed. Say you wanted (Jones, Smith and Franks, 1936) as opposed to (Jones et al., 1936) and not to multiple citations. The way it is set up – you will get up to 3 authors in the format above, but 4 or more authors will be truncated to one. The Template in citations has multiple citation separator (which is a ,<space> in the default) and does not have any options for differentiating a final citation in a group.
Do you have instructions somewhere that require this format?