how do i recover half of a library that has vanished in a sync process?

After a brief flirtation with Mendeley, I moved back to Endote recently. I created a new library by importing the whole library from Mendeley, but for some unknown reason myendnote web, and thus my iPad app too, decided not to treat all the imported references as unique - thus I could not get rid of the 1500 or so duplicates.

I manually deleted the duplicates on my PC local version and started to delete them on myendnote web, but forgot to sync in between. Now, on syncing, the system seems to have deleted much more than I had originally deleted - instead of the 1500-odd references I expectted to see, I’m down to 650. 

The complete, correct library is on my iPad, but now I’m afraid to sync in case that gets wiped too. Any suggestions? Is there a way of making my iPad library the definitive version and have the others sync to that?


I’ve created a Technical Support case for this issue and will be responding to you there.  If you don’t receive the message sent to your registered email address, please let me know by replying to this forum post.

Best Regards,
Jimmy M.
Customer Technical Support Representative
Thomson Reuters
Phone: +1 800 336 4474
ResearchSoft Product Support

Jimmy, still waiting on that solution and it’s getting beyond urgent now - I have a paper to finish by tomorrow and this problem is potentially catastrophic.