How to add "Ed." to the name of an editor in Endnote reference?


How can I have the abbreviated form (Ed.) after the name of an editor in an edited book with editor and no author like in this referene?

VandenBos, G. R. (Ed.). (2007). APA dictionary of psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 

                                                              (Source: Publication Manual, 6th ed., p. 204)

Thank you and look forward to hearing from you.


This should already be reflected in edited book and book section bibliography or footnote templates. the ed.^eds. will appropriately append the correct version depending on if there is one or more than one author.  Which output style are you choosing?  APA? 

Editor (Ed.)^(Eds.)|. (Year)|. Title| (|Edition ed.| Vol. Volume|)|. Place Published|: Publisher|.

is what is currently in the Edited Book for APA 6th

Hi Leanne,

Done. Thanks a lot. The Endnote reference type should be ‘Edited Book’ instead of ‘Book’ as in citations downloaded from journal websites or google scholar.


yes, if there isn’t a field in google scholar that triggers that correct association of reference type during the import, it acquires the wrong one, and isn’t handled correctly by the Endnote Software.  

Perhaps the developers can look into this?