Hello. Thank you for the reply.
I’m not using a specific EndNote output style. I created one by myself.
This is how It should look like:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elite.² Donec imperdiet metus luctus ipsum laoreet vulputate. Quisque ullamcorper egestas nunc nec volutpat. Etiam ut lorem ante, varius faucibus dolor. Integer sed est velit, suscipit fermentum
(I’m generating the numbers via the footnotefunction included in Microsoft Office)
² Magagna, Gasimov, Sutanto /Mobile search engine as a business model/ (if there are more than three authors: et al. )
Bibliographic entry:
Magagna, Gasimov, Sutanto /Mobile search engine as a business model/
Fabio Magagna, Anar Gasimov, Juliana Sutanto: Mobile search engine as a business model. Honolulu, Hawaii 2010
I hope this is enough information. I attached the .ens I’m using.
WI_2.ens (19.1 KB)