I am using EndNote 21 on my MacBook. I have an issue with the option cited pages. Sometimes I need to insert not only a page but additionally for example chapters, too. If the concrete chapter contains more digits in total than the concrete page contains, the digits of the pages are automatically filled with the “missing” digits.
For example: I want to insert as cited pages chapter 12 page 5. EndNote turns it automatically in chapter 12 page 15. So it is adding the first digit of the chapter in front of the digit of the page. But it only happens in these cases. If I type for example chapter 12 page 20 oder page 213, nothing happens.
If you can - I suggest that you use the suffix field and type exactly what you want to appear in that with punctuation, spaces and words. the cited pages field is really specific to a range of pages.
Thanks for answer. This might be a solution. But is there a possibility that the content written in the suffix field is inserted without a dot in front of it?
Let me give you an example: I want to cite Thompson/Brown/Gibson, in: Bellamy/Child, EU Competition Law, chap. 10 art. 102 para. 10.117.
If I use cited pages, it looks like this: […] EU Competition Law, chap. 10 art. 102 para. 110.117.
If I use use suffix, it looks like this: […] EU Competition Law. chap. 10 art. 102 para. 10.117.
In this case, there is a dot between the words “Law” and “chap.”.
I hope it’s now clear what my problem is.
Thank you very much for your help! I really appreciate it.
to fix the issue, I would need to know what ref type it is, and what output style you are using exactly. From your example, is this a footnote style?
In checking my old output styles, I find a “Chicago 16th footnote comma-cited pages corrected” but of course I didn’t document exactly what the issue was and what I corrected! (an image of the output style with book section is below)
despite my original comment, I just tested adding the comma space to the suffix and in endnote21 it doesn’t appear to remove one of the double punctuation marks – and gave me both – which is obviously wrong as well.
You can see in the image that a period appears at the end of the footnote, and that is the offending period in this case. If you put the period before the “forced separation” character | then no period for that ref type will appear at the end ever, unless you do use the cited pages field, which might be okay, if you usually have cited pages and this chapter/pages example is a one off. If many footnote chapters don’t have cited pages at all, you would need to manually add one (which you can do manually, typing it after the footnote in many cases, btw or) by adding a period to the suffix field again.
I use the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition which is a footnote style. I just adapted it to my needs.
But you are totally right. My setting in the templates is what you have marked. That causes the dots.
But I think I found a way to handle my problem. I insert a “#” in cited pages every time I have the problem with the auto-inserted digits and after I finished my dissertation, I will convert my document to unformatted citations and delete the “#” manually. I think it’s the most practical workaround.