Large and Small Capitals (EndNote 21, Office 365)

Hello, I am using EN to edit footnotes in the style of the Bluebook Law Review. The style requires large and small capitals for book titles, the names of book authors, and journal titles. For those fields, what is usually in big letters should be in large capitals, and what is in small letters should be small capitals.

I have problems keeping the required fields in large and small capitals. Take book titles as an example. I edited the style by going to Tools → Output Styles → Open Style Manager → Selecting Bluebook Law Review → Footnote → Templates → Choose the reference type “book”. I select the field “Title,” and click the “small caps” button on top, as shown in the picture below.

After saving the style and updating footnotes, book titles will be styled in large and small capitals. However, if I close the style editing window, the large and small capitals in the template revert back to big and small letters the next time I open it. If I update footnote without editing small capitals for book titles again, the titles already in large and small caps would change into big and small letters as well.

As an additional information, in Footnote → “Title capitalization”, I choose “Leave title as entered” instead of “Headline style capitalization” or “Sentence style capitalization”.

I have come across similar posts, such as this and this. Unfortunately, they did not work on me.

Please let me know what I should do to avoid repetitive editing large and small capitals. Thank you very much for your assistance!

Are you saving to a new style name or trying ot retain the same style name? I suggest you change to a new style name, and then use that new style name in your document. Let us know if that helps.

If you have the option for “Leave title as entered” then you need to manually change the book titles to all caps in the Edit Reference panel. You can do this one at a time by opening the reference, highlighting the title, then selecting Edit → Change Case → UPPERCASE.

You can also make a new group for all of your Books and Edited Book reference types, then go to Library → Change/Move/Copy Fields → Change Fields then select Title from the dropdown list, Change case to UPPERCASE, then click OK. It’s important if you do this method that you have only the references you want to edit in a single group and that you have that group selected. Otherwise it will make this change to all of your references.