New EndNote and now I get everything double in my text


I have Office 2010 and EndNote X3. Now after getting the new versions on my new computer the old document all get the citations doubled in the text?

Why? How? And How can I fix it?

Any ideas?

I could really need some help.

Thank you,


Hello Fran,

You mention having EndNote X3 and Word 2010. EndNote X3 is not compatible with Word 2010:

For Word 2010 compatibility, you would need to have at least EndNote X4. If the tools for EndNote X3 managed to load in Word 2010, the results may be unpredictable. I would suggest using a version of EndNote compatible with Word 2010.

You can try cleaning up the EndNote field codes in the document by following the steps found in this article:

Jason Berman
Technical Sup Rep RS

Thomson Reuters

Phone: +1 800-336-4474