opening an attached pdf in EndNote X7


I’ve been used Endnote X5 for a while and recently upgraded to X7. In X5, when a reference in the library was open, there was an option to opne an attached pdf document to that reference. In the X7 version though, one can see the pdf attached on the right side or bottom of the screen, but I cannot find any button that allows me to open the pdf file in a separate window. Does this option exist in X7?



I do it by double clicking on the PDF in the open record. 

You either open the reference with cmd-E (Mac) or Ctrl-E (Win) and select “all panels visible” on the bottom right of the window (button in the middle).

Or, if you want to open externally, you open it with alt-CMD-P on Mac, and I guess it could be CTRL-Alt-P on Windows, but not sure.