Problem with Endnote citations in Word

Hello I am using Endnote X in Word 2010. Lately I started to have troubles with the citation. I am using an output style a created myself. According to this output style, if there are three authors or more, than only the first one will show in the citation. This works the first time I use a citation for a given reference. However, when I am starting to use another citation of the same reference, then the entire list of authors is showed in the citation.

Did someone had this problem and was able to fix it? Thanks,


Did you check the Author Lists setting in the Citation section of your output style?  [Go to the EndNote toolbar, select EDIT, OUTPUT STYLES, EDIT name of your style. Then locate “Citations” and click “Authors Lists” to display the options.] It sounds like the settingsmay be off for the “Abbreviated Author List - First Appearance” and the “Abbreviated Author List - Subsequent Appearances”. Both options allow for designating the number of authors and how many should be listed.

How simple. Thanks so much!