Problems with Find Full Text

Dear All,

I have a user with X3 who thinks she may be finding full text only if the article is free.

We have ticked all the boxes under Preferences > Find Full Text.  We have put in the base URL of our proxy server, and the URL of our link resolver.

Is there anything under any other preference that might cause problems?    Does the link resolver URL need to have our proxy in its URL?

I am also not sure that the ISI URL is correct but presumably EndNote will try each of the possible linking mechanisms before declaring “Not found”?

We seem to be having problems with specific publishers, or specific publishers from within specific timeframes.

I also have another user with EndNote X2, with the same problem.  I am hoping if we can solve it for X3, we can solve it for X2 at the same time!

(I myself only have X1, so cannot replicate any of their settings).

Thanks for any help,


Keith Nockels

University of Leicester Library - UK

What is the brand name of your OpenURL link resolver? And what specific publishers are your users having problems with?

EndNote’s Find Full Text feature is currently optimized to work best with SFX but we are working on adding better support for Serial Solutions 360 Link and EBSCO LinkSource. The challenge is that while OpenURL is supposed to be an open standard each commercial vendor implements their support for this a bit differently in their link resolver products.

Also, we teach EndNote to read through HTML and scripts on web pages hosted by various publishers and databases; these pages change and so we often need to re-teach EndNote how to find PDFs on newly designed pages.

If you have a list of specific publishers for which the Find Full Text feature does not seem to be working, please feel free to send them directly to me and we will try to improve the feature.

I hope this helps.

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team 

jason [dot] rollins [@] thomsonreuters [dot] com

In my experience having Endnote web enabled is a big factor for some publisher websites.  In our place, the proxy and url path aren’t necessary if you are using an IP authenticated computer for the journal site. 


Thanks for that. It’s SIrsi Dynix’s Resolver but I am checking with colleagues to see if there is some other product underneath it.  

We had problems today with a 2002 article from Nature Cell Biology, and with 2010 material from one Science Direct title and all dates from another, as well as an issue with Wiley.  The Wiley problem may be due to the recent switch from Wiley Interscience to Wiley Online Library.



There does seem to be a problem with Science Direct - user reports problem with Cell, Mutation Research, DNA Repair.


Hi Jason

I was very interested to read your message about Serial Solutions 360 link. I had posted a problem some time ago asking for help with Find full text in relation to Serial Solutions, see my message with subject:

Find Full Text: Serial Solutions 06-28-2010  12:53 PM

We too have had problems with Find full text of ScienceDirect articles, to which we have subscriptions through IP validation.

It is great to hear that you are working on providing better support to Serial Solutions 360 link: can you tell me if we will have to wait for another upgrade, or if the “better support” will be available somehow to users of X3 or X4.

My EndNote users are becoming quite impatient!



We are hoping to add optimized support for the Serial Solutions 360 link OpenURL resolver for EndNote X4 in the X4.02 update. This is tentatively scheduled for release at the end of November.

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team

Happy to learn that I am not alone having problems with Find Full Text of Science Direct :wink:

It’s really a bad thing as the major part of our library comes from Elsevier…

Is there somthing new in the matter since the last post ?

Thanks in advance

PS I am on EN X4 and my SFX Open URL link works perfectly well.

I just installed Endnote X4 just to find that the find full text option finds only about 10% of the available sources. Most of my sources are published on Elsevier. This is really annoying considering the price of this software. Hopefully there will be an update to fix that soon.

I have found this somewhat helpful - but the two most important things was to activate the Pubmed link in preferences which is off by default (but don’t try downloading hundreds at a time, Pubmed and publishers get mad).   (added in edit) and have the endnote web (web of science) enabled.

Hello all,

I have got no answer to my post of 2 months ago…Too sad :mansad:

I tried to contact Elsevier Helpdesk concerning my problem of Find Full Text with Elsevier articles. Here is the official answer :

“Endnote has agreements with a few providers, such as PubMed, ISI and other vendors mentioned in their email, with whom they have partnered to developed this functionality, ScienceDirect was not approached and it is not one of them."

I contacted EndNote tech support also, they answer that the problem comes from Elsevier…

I am wondering why Thomson has not approached Elsevier on this question and why Thomson has never announced that clearly to the community ?

This topic is pending for many months now and it is never properly answered  !

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I am still wondering what is happening with the Find Full Text feature for Serials Solutions customers? Has there been any development on this front? Our clients are becoming very unsatisfied.


Support for the Serial Solutions 360 Link  OpenURL link resolver and EndNote Find Full Text was added in November of 2010 and works with EndNote version X3 and X4.

This update also included improvements for finding PDFs from ScienceDirect [and Elsevier journals in general], InformaWorld, Wiley journals, Ovid, Peeters Online Journals, and several others.

We have recently lost compatibility with SpringerLink and are investigating what is involved with restoring this. If you are a user of EndNote and SpringerLink and this connectivity is important to you, please consider contacting them as hearing from real customers likely means more than hearing from us.

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team

Hello Jason

This is good news for us. However I have EndNote 4 and am seeing no improvement in the Find full text feature at all. Can you please advise if there are any adjustments that I need to make to my settings?



You need to be using EndNote 4.02 - and have the Authenticate and OpenURL paths properly set on the Preferences “Find Full Text” panel.

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team

I am using EndNote X4.0.2 (Bld 5149).

My preferences for URL & LInks are as follows:


Open URL Arguments: ?sid=ISI:WoS&aufirst=AUFIRST&aulast=AULAST&issn=ISSN&isbn=ISBN&atitle=ATITLE&title=TITLE&volume=VOLUME&issue=ISSUE&date=DATE&spage=SPAGE&epage=EPAGE

We use IP address validation for access to our onine journals.

My preferences for Find Full Text are as follows:

All 4 check boxes ticked for ISI WoK Full text links, DOI, PubMed linkOut, OpenURL

OpenURL path :

I am not sure how these should be set “properly”

many thanks


In my experience having Endnote web enabled is a big factor for some publisher websites. 

In my place, the proxy and url path aren’t necessary if you are using an IP authenticated computer for the journal site.

Oliver | ganar dinero

There is a PDF overview document available here:

That covers most of the basics related to EndNote’s Find Full Text feature.

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team

To those who have been waiting, I think a recent update has resoved many of the ScienceDirect stable of journals “find full text” retrieval problems. 

The problem with Find Full Text and sciencedirect seems to be ongoing.

EndnoteX4.02 seems to still have the problem. Open URL link works fine… it goes right to where you can click on the pdf symbol and do a manual download. FFT fails, however. This is a pernicious issue as I can download only about 2/3’s of journal articles with FFT. Given the expense of the program, I would expect sufficient resources would be available to fix an issue like this in a timely way :-). Of course, if the issue is fixed, someone please post what specifically fixed (fixes) it, and if there is something that I might be doing wrong, please post that, too. I just want (most of) my pdf’s to download automatically…