repeated information within the same footnote--how can you omit it?

I am trying to quote four different articles from the same edited volume, and endnote writes the same information–name of the authors of the edited book, its title, publisher, year, four times in the same footnote.  I copy an example for clarification. Is there a way to omit this information after the first citation? I know one can omit the author and date by editing an individual citation, but is there a way to cut the editors of an edited book in citations repeated within the same footnote? I entered the original reference under book section. Is there a better way to categorize it? I’d be very grateful for any leads. Cristina



Belenson, “Kino-Eye by Dziga Vertov (2),” 107, Vertov, “The Artistic Drama and Kino-Eye,” 106-7. Dziga Vertov, “An Answer to Five Questions,” in Lines of Resistance: Dziga Vertov and the Twenties, ed. Yuri Tsivian (Gemona: Le Giornate del Cinema Muto, 2004), 95, ———, “An Introductory Speech before a Showing of the First Part of Kino-Eye,” in Lines of Resistance: Dziga Vertov and the Twenties, ed. Yuri Tsivian (Gemona: Le Giornate del Cinema Muto, 2004), 103.

I am having the same problem, both in book sections listed in the same footnote, and in book sections referring to the same book in subsequent footnotes. 

I only want full publication information for an edited book to appear in the first reference, with subsequent references to different sections in that book to refer only to the book title (not to the editor, publisher, etc.).  

Is there any way to make this happen?
