Sage-Harvard inline reference changes

I am using Sage-Harvard and need a few edits:

The current inline reference output looks like this: (Weiss, 1995: 147)

I need it to look like this: (Weiss 1995:147)

The changes I need are:

  1. no comma

  2. get rid of the space after the colon

I’m a total novice at this stuff, so please speak in newbie language in any suggestions, which are all welcome.


Here is the adapted style with your requests.  download the attached style and in Endnote - save it. 

Then IN WORD, change the output style to use this new one (Sage Harvard - no comma)  on the Endnote ribbon (Word 2007/2010 or via the edit bibliography menu (in all other versions of Word, including Word 2011). 

You may have to first “select another style”  or  “Browse” to see it, as it may not automatically show up in your “list”. 

Sage Harvard -no comma.ens (12.8 KB)


Thank you for your quick reply. I forgot to add that I am using Endnote X5 with Word for Mac 2011.

Will the download you offered work on this setup?



Worked perfectly, Leanne!

Thank you so much for helping in this situation.