
Why is it, when I type in “Holmes TP” into the author field in endnote’s “ISI Citation Indexes at Web of Science”, and hit search, I get 0 results, whereas if I do the same thing on ISI’s webpage, I get 30 results?  The search terms seem to operate very differently between the two interfaces, yet I can find no documentation explaining this.

Enter the author’s name as:

holmes, t p

We have some documentation concerning the Web of Science connection files on our website.

thanks john!

> We have some documentation concerning the Web of Science connection files on our website.

That’s great, but it says, “your computer must have a University of Queensland IP address”.

How does it work for the rest of the world? How is it supposed to work in general?

Web of Science connection files require IP recognition for authentication. If you wish to use a Web of Science connection file, your computer must have an IP in the domain of your institution, and of course your institution must be subscribing to Web of Science.