Section Breaks and styles with bibliographies for each chapter

In creating a style which enables me to create separate bibliographies for each chapter in a single Word document. If I format a style that includes choosing ‘Create a bibliography for each section and a complete bibliography at the end of the document’ from the ‘Sections’ options, if I were to then insert a Section Break partway through the text of a document, if I insert a citation before that section break then the bibliography reference will appear before the Section Break not at the end of the document. Is it possible to get around that?

I hope you can follow the above.



EndNote will currently see all section breaks and produce a bibliography based on them when that setting is turned on.

I might suggest waiting until the citations and bibliography are finalized then you can use Convert to Plain Text so that EndNote would no longer change the citations and bibliography.

You could then add additional section breaks as needed.

You can find more information on the Convert to Plain Text command here:

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