I’m trying to get a formatted footnote that shows Translator(s) as names separated by commas (etc). But there is no option for specifying this format request apart from Author Names or Editor Names in the Footnotes formatting area.
The records use “Translator” for the translators; my Ref. Type under Footnotes/Templates is “Translator (Year).” The result comes out in my big document as “Author” followed by year (1995); in a new blank document I get “Halliwell Fyfe Russell et al. (1995)”. I don’t understand the discrepancy, but neither is what I want: that would be
Even stranger, I just noticed another problem with this issue. If I do two or more ref’s in a row I get this:
[1] Halliwell Fyfe Russell et al. (1995)
[2] Author (1995)
[3] Author (1995)
So this explains why I saw “Author (1995)”: an earlier reference in the big doc. is like [1] above.
The bibl. entry is fine:
Halliwell, S., W. H. Fyfe, D. A. Russell, D. Innes, and W. R. Roberts, trans. (1995) Aristotle, Poetics; Longinus, On the Sublime; Demetrius, On Style. Cambridge, MA.
I’m beginning to think that EN is not equipped to handle this kind of formatting request.
I did discover that in Ref. Types I should have left “Author” blank and used one of the Secondary or Teriary Author fields. Also discovered that the second ref. (repeated ref.) reverts to short form.
After an adjustment I get this:
[1] HalliwellFyfeRussell, et al. (1995)
[1] HalliwellFyfeRussell, et al. (1995)
[1] HalliwellFyfeRussell, et al. (1995)
still no commas separating, though they are specified under Footnotes/Editors/Editor Separators. Closer, but no cigar yet
Can you rename your output style to have .txt rather than .ens and attach it? I suspect that there is something wrong with the word “author” so it is putting the word rather than the field.
Author is gone: it is now Translater under Secondary Author, with fn formats controlled under Editor Lists. Short form is set up with Translator (Year).
The rest of the problem MAY have to do with how I set up Editor Separators (or Author Separators previously). I tried to have it thus:
1 to 2 [Authors] with SPACE between and " and" before Last.
3 to 4 with " , " between and “, and” before last.
I’ve now reverted to what may be the default
1 to 100 Authors with ", " between and “, and” before Last.
Is there a good set of instructions for how to format these commands best?
I’m curious about how the next set of instructions do or don’t get overriden by the specs “1 to 100” :
Abbreviated Ed. list:
if 4 or more, list first 3 and abbrev with “, et al.”
If you specify 1-100 when and how will this last instruction kick in?