I am hoping your collective wisdom can help me out here! (I am using EN X7 + Chicago 16th)
I must cite a book (with author), which has been edited AND translated by the same two people.
Here’s the citation:
Roberto Bellarmino, Spiritual writings, trans. John Patrick Donnelly and Roland J. Teske (New York: Paulist Press, 1989).
My problem is that John Patrick Donnelly and Roland J. Teske are also the editors; I have added their names in the Editor section, but for some unfathomable reason, they do not appear as such in the bibliography! They only feature as translators!
What I would need is the following (or something along these lines):
Roberto Bellarmino, Spiritual writings, eds. and trans. John Patrick Donnelly and Roland J. Teske (New York: Paulist Press, 1989).
Any idea as to how I can make this happen?
Any help you can provide is hugely appreciated.