Trash.enl is locked


This is my first time on this forum so I hope what I write makes sense.

I have just installed Endnote X3 on my laptop. However, when I open the Endnote Library I get the error message “The file “Trash.enl” is locked or on a locked volume. No changes will be saved”. When I click on OK, I’m taken immediately to the trash window and cannot get into “All References” or anything else. I have no idea what is wrong. Could anyone provide me with advice or even a clue as to how I might go about solving the problem?

Thanks very much



Can you create a new library or open a new library? 

Also, check your Edit>preferences>Library and make sure that isn’t set as open “Trash.enl”.  If it is, remove that library name and change it at least temporarily to “prompt for library”.  Also, in preferences check that your Folder locations are not set to the Program folder/Endnote  folders.

Finally, ensure you are not trying to open/create a library which is located in the Program Folder on the C: drive.  – That isn’t possible in Vista and Windows 2007 Operating systems. 

If none of this works, I encourage you to call Tech Support. 

Thanks Leanne. I think the last comment you made about trying to create a library in the program folder is the key to the problem. :smiley:

