Unable to import references with .cgi ending

Hello everybody, 

I am conduction a systematic review. I use the databases PubMed, Web of Science and PsychInfo. 

For a variety of reasons (f.e. wishing full control over the search syntax as well as requirements to access the databases from my home office) I cannot use the search feature of Endnote X9. The plan was to conduct the search via the databases, export the references and continue from there.

However, everything works finde for the exports I got from PubMed and WebOfScience. The files end with the .ciw ending and the import works smoothly. 

However, PsychInfo delivers a .cgi file. I try to import it and it asks me for the filter. I click on PsychInfo. 
Then… nothing happens. 

Anybody got a solution for this issue? 

