upgrading from X.0.2 to X4; Word says "Word could not load this add-in program"

I have been trying to upgrade from X.0.2 to X4 and configure CWYW with Word 2008 (MAC) and keep getting “Word could not load this add-in program (Endnote CWYW Word 2008.bundle)”

I have tried copying CWYW.dot files per post http://community.thomsonreuters.com/t5/EndNote-How-To/Word-could-not-load-this-add-in/m-p/5965/highlight/true#M1995 to

Library/Application Support/EndNote/ but does not help.

Any ideas? I went back and made sure I uninstalled X.0.2 via Customizer.


Customer support solved…the issue is MacOSx is 10.4 and needs to be 10.5 or 10.6 to support CWYW