hi widulle
I’ve just finished a phd with over 500 footnotes (oxford author title) and large bibliography with about 300pages of text. It’s been going for some years and there have been ongoing scary moments between MS Word x, 2001, 2004 on Mac and EN from v.6 to my current vers.X1.
The biggest problem causing corruptions has been the active link CWYW between Word and EN. BTW, I did think of using Word’s ‘Master Document’ feature with embedded links to other discrete Word docs for each chapter but all the reports I’ve seen suggest that this too is buggy and to avoid at all costs for doing large docs eg PhD.
So here’ my normal working process for ENX1/Word2k4 on Mac OS X 10.4.11. NB: I also use a multiple clipboard applic (CopyPaste-X at http://www.copypaste-x.com/ This saves enormous amounts of time flipping back and forth between the two applics):
• turn off CWYW by going to Word>Tools>Templates & Add-ins… uncheck the three add-ins (EndNote CWYW Commands.dot; EndNote Web CWYW Commands.dot; EndNote CWYW Word 2004) (NB: these must be unchecked otherwise I got the constant spinning beachball of death everytime I made changes to a record and then ENX1 would unexpectedly quit without warning!)
• Copy the record eg { , Smith 2008 #192} to one of the multiple clipboards
• using command-K (Edit>Copy Formatted) copy the record to another of the multiple clipboards
• paste the unformatted record in the footnote (or body text ) from the multiple clipboard. Leave unformatted.
• in the same footnote, immediately after the unformatted citation, past the formatted citation, highlight and make invisible so that I have a record of what is actually meant to be there at that footnote in case of corruptions
• while I’m working I often have the Show Invisible characters on so that I can check the footnotes against the body text as it’s in progress;
• periodically at certain stage points in the writing, I would format the Bibliography. Initially, when the document was still quite small and not too many citations, this would work OK but progressively got more unstable and would give me Communication Errors between EN and Word and file corruptions.
Solved this about 1 yr ago by first doing:
• Turn on CWYW by going to Word>Tools>Templates & Add-ins… check the three add-ins (EndNote CWYW Commands.dot; EndNote Web CWYW Commands.dot; EndNote CWYW Word 2004) and do ‘unformat all citations’ (takes about 15’). Then after making a backup to different folder, format the Bibliography from scratch (can take up to 1hr).
• Once Bibliography complete, then Word>Tools>Templates & Add-ins… uncheck the three add-ins (EndNote CWYW Commands.dot; EndNote Web CWYW Commands.dot; EndNote CWYW Word 2004)
This works for me every time now and avoids the Comm Errrors.
NB: final advice working with Word 2k4: Word has been notoriously flaky and prone to crashing if I make too many overwrites to the same file in the same folder location. So I use a Father, Mother, Daughter1, Daughter2, Daugther3 etc number of folder locations inside a main folder directory. I only ever do about 10 overwrites and then do a ‘Save As’ to the next folder in the cycle and so on. Word tends to leave a trail of temporary files and after about 30 overwrites or about 2hrs work, I close the file so that Word removes its temp files and then I open the doc again and continue working in this way. If I end up doing to many overwrites and even with folder changes, Word will unexpectedly crash. Years ago this often caused file corruptions but in recent years has been harmless, apart from losing any unsaved work. BTW I always have autorecover/autosave ON in Word
This has worked reliably for some years for me, cheers claudio